Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I was just reviewing chemical sedation in the ED and after considering the many options I am still very partial to the tried and true B52: Benadryl 50 mg, Haldol 5 mg, Ativan 2 mg.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I've been using CHADS2...Anyone using CHA2DS2-VASc?

"A newer risk score to determine stroke risk in atrial fibrillation patients called CHA2DS2-VASc may provide a more accurate risk assessment."

Monday, December 3, 2012

Clinical calculators

We recently updated our EMR with some new clinical calculators.  My job was to help implement, explain, advocate, and ultimately educate my partners about these tools.  Here is one of the pictures I used to make a very important point:

Clinical calculators are tools.  They can be very helpful tools, but they must be used intelligently, or BAD THINGS can happen.